Teaching Teens Financial Responsibility
Young children typically ask for simple things like having a bedtime story read to them or going for a bike ride, but these minor requests start to come with a price when they get into their teen years. As their requests for money become more frequent, it’s crucial to teach teenagers about financial responsibility. Here are a few helpful ideas on taming those cash demands while also instilling a sense of financial responsibility.
Make the most of “teachable moments”
When you are with your teen, look for opportunities to slip in a money lesson. For instance, if you’re out shopping together, you can talk about your own shopping choices or why you’re delaying a purchase.
Provide hands-on experience
Though listening to money lessons is beneficial, hands-on experiences are typically more impactful on teens. For instance, have your teenager make the grocery list for the week and bring them to the market with you. This practice will allow them to understand how much the family budget goes toward groceries.
Model money monitoring
Sit down with your teen and review their list of expenditures for the week. Have them categorize their expenses into two groups: needs and wants. Once they are done, ask them how they could have spent their money differently.
Introduce plastic, perhaps
If you feel your teen is mature enough to manage a debit card, consider giving them a Louisiana USA debit card with a spending limit. With their new account, continue the practice of going over transactions together.
Talk about the future
What will come after high school? What portion of expenses will the teen have to cover if it’s college? Older teens also begin to think about career choices. This is an excellent opportunity to teach them about saving for retirement. It’s never too early to have that conversation.
Setting your teen up for financial success is essential, and at Louisiana USA Federal Credit Union, we’re here to help! Start their financial experience with a Louisiana USA debit card and checking account. This will introduce them to important tools that will help them learn to manage money while the stakes are small, preventing them from getting into financial trouble later. Call us today at (225)292-8910 or stop by today.