Making Loan Payments At Your Convenience
Enroll in online banking to make loan payments from Louisiana USA accounts that are free and simple.
If you want to make your loan payments from accounts at another financial institution we also offer four self-service options.

1. Go Pay/ Bill Pay; Must have Louisiana USA Checking
- Make payments using a Savings/Checking account at another financial institution
- It takes 3-5 business days for payments to post to your loan
- To utilize this service, log in to your account (website or app) visit the Go Pay/Bill Pay tab. You will then “transfer between my accounts”
2. Debit Card/ Check Payment to Loan
- Make payments using a Debit Card or Savings/Checking account at another financial institution
- It takes 1-2 days for payments to post to your loan
- There is a $10.00 convenience charge for this service
- To use this service, create an account on the SWBC Web Portal and validate your information.
3. ACH Origination; No Louisiana USA Checking is needed
- Make payments using a Savings/Checking account at another financial institution
- It takes 3-5 business days for payments to post to your loan
- To utilize this, simply submit this electronic form.
4. To pay on your Cenlar Mortgage
Log in and make a payment at this link: