5 Ways to Curb Impulse Spending
If you’re someone who runs into the store to pick up a few things and comes out with a full cart, you’re not alone. Research suggests that 60 percent of grocery store purchases are made on impulse. And impulse spending is not limited to visits to physical stores. Online shoppers also can be seduced by the “customers also bought” suggestions. Here are five ways you can curb the urge:
- Shop with a list. If an item is not on the list, seriously question the need for it.
- Limit the number of shopping trips and the time you spend in a store. The more often you go and the longer you are there, the more you’ll buy – whether you need the items or not.
- Establish a waiting or cooling off period before you can buy items on your wish list, say 30 days. Chances are, when the time is up, you will no longer want many of the things.
- When shopping online, search for a specific item, not a category. Searching on “electronics” rather than “smart watch” will likely tempt you to buy something else. You can put items in your cart, but don’t complete the purchase until at least a day later.
- Make it harder to shop online by not storing your credit card information on shopping sites and by keeping your cards away from your devices. Even then, if your credit card offers too much temptation, put it in a container of water and freeze it. You can thaw it out for emergencies, but it won’t be readily available for impulse shopping.
Setting your teen up for financial success is essential, and at Louisiana USA Federal Credit Union, we’re here to help! Call us today at (225)292-8910 or stop by today.